My name is Alexandra - no cute or interesting nicknames for me...just Alexandra.
This is my official blog for both my personal life & business.
Here you will find a whole lot of love & fun!
I recently started my own itty-bitty business, Make It Personal,
& thought this would be a great way to stay connected with my customers.

Sunday, January 1, 2012

it's a new year.

Hope that everyone had a fabulous night last night - I know that I am super excited to start a new year. It's somewhat refreshing because I like to think of it as a clean slate. There are so many things that I would love to accomplish this year. Life is great, but I want to make mine even better. 
To kick off the new year, we decided to take a trip down to the beach house in Del Mar. The weather is ridiculously warm (80, to be exact) and I plan on relaxing while gathering my thoughts.
One of my goals this year is to definitely pay more attention to this blog. I always feel silly writing posts, but it's something that I have always wanted to do.
Wish me luck! 

Saturday, December 3, 2011

Sunday, November 27, 2011


I decided to run my very own Black Friday Special this year 
for my new little business, Make It Personal
I had absolutely no idea what would come of it. 
In fact, I was already content with the amount of 
orders that I was receiving on a daily basis.
But then Black Friday hit...
Oh man. Oh man.
I already don't post a lot as it is,
but I will definitely be posting less frequently as these coming weeks
before Christmas approach.
I will be snuggled in my little room/office with my 2 little poochies & my peppermint hot cocoas
filling my canvas orders with a big fat smile on my face:)

Saturday, November 26, 2011

black friday.

Yes, I totally take part in fighting my way through the crowds on black friday.
Yes, I do it every year.
Yes, I love it.
I was incredibly happy to hear that some of favorite stores would be opening their doors at 12midnight, but I never realized just how hard it is to get yourself to go shopping at that hour.  When my sister & mom opted out, let's just say that I did not put up too much of a fight.  Instead, I climbed into my snuggly warm bed & got a solid 5 hours of sleep before getting up around 6:30am to fight the crowds (not without my Starbucks in hand though).
Just had to share one of my favorite items that I scored.  Believe it or not, I scored these babies the day BEFORE Black Friday & ended up getting a waaaay better deal. Weird, right!?
Oh yeah, look at them.  b-e-a-u-t-i-f-u-l.
It's unlike me to get so excited over heels because if you know me, 
then you know that my real shoe obsession includes any pair of running shoes with that Nike Swoosh.  Go ahead, call me crazy...but it's the truth.
These suckers have me going nuts though. woo-wee.
Other than those beauts, I did manage to walk out of the mall with some other superb findings.
All in all, black friday was definitely worth it this year:)

Sunday, November 20, 2011


I am finally content.
In fact, the most content that I have been in a while. 
No more questioning what I want to do.
No more wondering what others think of me.
No more regrets.
No more worrying.
No more stress.

Thursday, October 27, 2011

here we go (again).

Third times a charm, right?
I will now officially say that "I am back," but in full force this time!
I graduated from college in May & boy, oh boy has it been a whirlwind.  After much contemplation, I have full heartedly decided to focus 100% of my attention on my little canvas business, Make It Personal...with the intention of ultimately turning it into something bigger (& possibly better).  My days are now spent doing what I  absolutely love: making canvases...instead of sending my resume to job posting after job posting. bleh.

Looks like I am headed on the right path because I was lucky enough to score a product review & giveaway from an amazing blogger who I admire so very much.  Today my canvases are being showcased on Miss Alycia Grayce's adorable blog, Crowley Party.
Don't forget to stop by & enter for a chance to win a FREE canvas from Make It Personal!
(you have until November 1, 2011 to enter!)

Here's a taste of what I have been doing:

Tuesday, September 20, 2011

Make It Personal TODAY!

After much thought, I have decided to return.  This time though, I am going to focus a lot more on my little hobby "Make It Personal."  I recently created an Etsy shop to showcase a little bit of what I do.  If you are reading this post, you are lucky because I am currently holding a special at my Etsy shop- simply put "MAKEITPERSONAL" during checkout in the space that asks for a coupon code to redeem 15% off your purchase!  Don't forget that you can also custom order directly from me & I will also grant you the 15% off.  I will only be running this special for a few days - so get it while it's hot!!

Here are a couple canvases that I created.
These are both 12in x 12in.

Do you have a favorite saying? quote? love poem?
Let me know & I will place it on a canvas for you!
Looks adorable in bedrooms, bathrooms, kitchens, offices, etc.