My name is Alexandra - no cute or interesting nicknames for me...just Alexandra.
This is my official blog for both my personal life & business.
Here you will find a whole lot of love & fun!
I recently started my own itty-bitty business, Make It Personal,
& thought this would be a great way to stay connected with my customers.

Sunday, January 1, 2012

it's a new year.

Hope that everyone had a fabulous night last night - I know that I am super excited to start a new year. It's somewhat refreshing because I like to think of it as a clean slate. There are so many things that I would love to accomplish this year. Life is great, but I want to make mine even better. 
To kick off the new year, we decided to take a trip down to the beach house in Del Mar. The weather is ridiculously warm (80, to be exact) and I plan on relaxing while gathering my thoughts.
One of my goals this year is to definitely pay more attention to this blog. I always feel silly writing posts, but it's something that I have always wanted to do.
Wish me luck! 

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