My name is Alexandra - no cute or interesting nicknames for me...just Alexandra.
This is my official blog for both my personal life & business.
Here you will find a whole lot of love & fun!
I recently started my own itty-bitty business, Make It Personal,
& thought this would be a great way to stay connected with my customers.

Saturday, November 26, 2011

black friday.

Yes, I totally take part in fighting my way through the crowds on black friday.
Yes, I do it every year.
Yes, I love it.
I was incredibly happy to hear that some of favorite stores would be opening their doors at 12midnight, but I never realized just how hard it is to get yourself to go shopping at that hour.  When my sister & mom opted out, let's just say that I did not put up too much of a fight.  Instead, I climbed into my snuggly warm bed & got a solid 5 hours of sleep before getting up around 6:30am to fight the crowds (not without my Starbucks in hand though).
Just had to share one of my favorite items that I scored.  Believe it or not, I scored these babies the day BEFORE Black Friday & ended up getting a waaaay better deal. Weird, right!?
Oh yeah, look at them.  b-e-a-u-t-i-f-u-l.
It's unlike me to get so excited over heels because if you know me, 
then you know that my real shoe obsession includes any pair of running shoes with that Nike Swoosh.  Go ahead, call me crazy...but it's the truth.
These suckers have me going nuts though. woo-wee.
Other than those beauts, I did manage to walk out of the mall with some other superb findings.
All in all, black friday was definitely worth it this year:)

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