My name is Alexandra - no cute or interesting nicknames for me...just Alexandra.
This is my official blog for both my personal life & business.
Here you will find a whole lot of love & fun!
I recently started my own itty-bitty business, Make It Personal,
& thought this would be a great way to stay connected with my customers.

Sunday, November 27, 2011


I decided to run my very own Black Friday Special this year 
for my new little business, Make It Personal
I had absolutely no idea what would come of it. 
In fact, I was already content with the amount of 
orders that I was receiving on a daily basis.
But then Black Friday hit...
Oh man. Oh man.
I already don't post a lot as it is,
but I will definitely be posting less frequently as these coming weeks
before Christmas approach.
I will be snuggled in my little room/office with my 2 little poochies & my peppermint hot cocoas
filling my canvas orders with a big fat smile on my face:)

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